Statistical language modeling, summarization, classification, sentiment analysis, and syntactic evaluation and correction
Firmware, drivers, real-time control systems, and custom user interfaces for devices with space, memory, and processing limitations
Object detection, tracking, and identification; scene segmentation and analysis; dynamic sensor calibration
Facial recognition, deep learning systems, data mining and analysis, predictive systems
Bringing troubled legacy systems under control, scalable web infrastructure, software best practices
Scientific modeling, finite element analysis, numerical analysis, and data visualization
State of the art machine learning system with cloud infrastructure for automated essay grading
Firmware, drivers, and user interface for an audio player hailed by Stereophile magazine as "superbly engineered"
Automatic identification and counting of different fish species to aid in the protection of the endangered delta smelt
Computer-aided design and modeling tool for physicists working with Bose-Einstein condensates and atoms near absolute zero